Dr Prateek Goyal – Orthopaedic Surgeon

Shoulder injuries are majorly caused by the high-intensity activities that involve excessive repetition of overhead motion. Some are also caused by a fall or accident or by overdoing a certain activity like swimming. Pain in the shoulder area can have many causes and needs to be diagnosed in detail to find the root cause of the pain.

Common Shoulder Injuries:

  • Fracture
  • Dislocation
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Cartilage tear
  • Impingement
  • Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid arthritis

Major shoulder injuries are categorized into the shoulder impingement, shoulder instability, and rotator cuff injuries. After diagnosing the cause and the type of injury, the treatment options are chosen for the relevant type.

Treatment Options:

  • Nonsurgical and non-invasive treatment methods include therapies and exercises by physical therapists. Exercises for strengthening the shoulder muscles and therapies are prescribed for immediate relief.
  • Surgical treatments are more often done by arthroscopy and minimally invasive techniques.
  • Injecting a corticosteroid medicine straight into the joint to reduce is also considered if the patient doesn’t find relief after primary care.

Shoulder is the ball and socket joint formed by the humeral head and the scapula glenoid.

It has most versatile range of motion among all the larger joints of the body.

Various conditions in involving the shoulder joints are :


It is also termed as peri arthritis of the shoulder and adhesive capsulitis in its severe form is a common condition that leads to severe pain and reduction of moments at the shoulder joint. The condition is usually insidious in onset and is more common in patients with diabetes and hypothyroidism. Usually patient presents with gross reduction in the range of motion and after trying many types of treatments and modalities.

The condition takes a usual period of a few months with the physical therapy and medication to subside completely.
And steroid injection inside your shoulder joint sometimes may enhance the recovery but it is to be applied in selected individuals

2. Rotator Cuff Tear:

The rotator cuff is a tough tendinous supportive tissue that is formed by few muscle groups around the shoulder joint which inserts on the proximal part of the humerus. It helps in the abduction and various other movements of the shoulder joint it provides stability and strength to the shoulder.

Due to trauma (injury ) or any other activity, the tear or damage in the rotator cuff leads to pain and weakening of the shoulder and arm. The patient has trouble lifting his arm and there is the weakness of the right shoulder while doing day-to-day work. Usually, the Patient has intense pain on taking and above the head, and usually by combing the hair is or just tightening her braserie is by the ladies. It is diagnosed by careful examination by your orthopedic surgeon and by doing proper imaging on MRI.

Once it is diagnosed it is usually treated by surgery. The surgery is aimed to repair the tone rotator cuff and where it is re-attached to its insertion with the help of few implants. The surgery is done by minimally invasive procedure by expert hands and is very successful after thorough event or treatment by physical rehabilitation.

3. Recurrent Dislocation of The Shoulder:

It is a condition where the shoulder joint of an individual dislocates repeatedly within a short duration of time. Condition is usually seen in a sportsperson or younger individual where it is a result of primary and previous injury to the shoulder where joint has been dislocated due to fall or major trauma. This injury may lead to disruption of some soft tissue support around the shoulder permanently and hence the shoulder joint dislocates again and again under any stress moment. Various special x-ray views along with an MRI oblique CT scan with the advice of an expert orthopedic surgeon lead to the diagnosis of the condition. The usual treatment is surgically repair and stabilization of the shoulder joint and tissue around it through the surgery which is usually done with the help of a telescope. It is a minimally invasive surgery without any cuts around the shoulder joint and without any bleeding. Results are encouraging